20,000 Followers in 24 hours?!

10 Simple Ways for Anyone to Improve Their Network

🌟 ICYMI 🌟 

I have networked my way into a six figure job, an engineering role, a meeting with a billionaire, and even my own penthouse in NYC…

This video breaks down all the tactics I’ve used to do it. I even cover separate networking strategies for introverts and extroverts because it’s important to acknowledge that both are going to need to approach this in different ways!

Let me know what you think in the comments for a chance to win a $100+ giveaway of beauty and wellness products! 

As always, if you prefer audio, you can find it on Spotify or Apple Music!


🛠️ Build Gen She With Me

20,000 Followers in 24 hours?!

WTF!? Last week was an insane moment in my journey and truly flipped my life overnight. Legit within 24 hours. But more importantly, it taught me one of the most valuable lessons of my entire content journey: all content is NOT equal. Going viral is hard, yes, but converting views into followers is 10x harder.

If you don’t believe me, check this out. Here are two viral videos with similar views but completely different conversion rates:

The first video has a 0.01% conversion rate of views to follows while the second video has a 2% conversion rate, almost 20x!

After months of experimenting and iterating with my content, I think I finally understand how to actually make content that converts, and I’m excited to break it all down for you.

Content that converts needs to have 2 or more of these elements:

  1. Reference why you’re credible to speak on this topic. In the second video, I said pretty quickly, “Growing up in the Bay Area, I was always fascinated by how these entrepreneurs…” and showed pictures as proof that I did indeed grow up in Silicon Valley and surrounded myself with these people.

  2. Build upon a storyline or include it in a series. You need to give them a reason to come back for more. If you teach them everything they need to know or completely solve their pain point in the video itself, why do they need to follow you? The second video I made was not a one-off. It was an intro video to the series. If you noticed, I didn’t reveal a single habit I learned in the video, so no one could prejudge whether they were interested in the series or not and were forced to follow me if they were curious to learn more. This is also a great way to repurpose momentum from initial virality to continue to gain new followers from the videos in the rest of your series. As I’m writing this, I’m only on Day 7 of 20 of this series, and I’ve already gained more than 60,000 followers from it.

  3. Great execution. Spending the extra few hours adding the bells and whistles of sound effects, titles, and captions is worth it and does help the video stand out from the noise. While that polish can’t make a bad video good, it can make a good video, great. That’s how you turn a video from getting a couple hundred thousand views to getting millions of views. The truth is, a lot of the content in the video series I’ve actually already talked about, and it never went viral. That’s because I would just talk to the camera and it wasn’t engaging enough for people to stick around. While adding in the sound effects and animated text takes me 10x longer than filming the actual content, it clearly is the extra mile the content needs to go from 200,000 views to 2 million views.

  4. It has to be about you. Are you really the only person who has ever talked about this topic or has this unique experience? 99.9% chance you are not. Adding in overlays and background clips of my life for people to get a peek into who I am and visualize it, is the only way to make it uniquely coded you. It also builds a greater attachment to you and your brand. It helps people click the follow button because they know they’re getting something “humanized” that something like a Google search, ChatGPT, or a Wikipedia page could never replace, making you a valuable and unique spot on the internet for them to justify their time with. This also makes people feel like they’re following along on your life and more likely to come back for new content, or new series you start on different topics because they’re already invested in your life.

It’s easier to get 10M views on one video than 100K views on 100 videos.

— Mr Beast

The truth is, great content has all these elements but the reality is, doing all this can take a lot of time. I’m not going to sit and pretend I whip out these videos without much effort. In fact, one video takes me an average of 4-5 hours. But wouldn’t you rather make seven high-effort, time-consuming videos that give you 60,000 followers in just a week than spend months making 100 low-effort, low-quality videos that most probably will never even get you even close to 60,000 followers? I would argue that in the end that would even take more time.

If you watched any videos from my series, you’ll notice the main topic I touch upon in almost every video is focus. Focus is everything, and this is yet again another time in my life where this continues to be undebatable.

🤝 Invest With Me
Turns out you don’t need to be crazy rich to own a piece of the trillions of dollars that flow through the tech industry every year! Wefunder is a platform that allows anyone to invest as little as $100 into startups, and each week, I’ll be sharing one company that I’m investing in with you!

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💚 Why boundaries are a green flag

🏃 Loving the new Netflix Docuseries following the best of the Olympic Track and Field athletes! Watch Sprint on Netflix.

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… and more! 😉

❤️ Avni, Founder @ Gen She // Sponsor this newsletter

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